The Real Reason to Keep Prospecting

We tend to think of prospecting as something we do to land client work.

And while that’s true, there’s another equally important reason to prospect:


Sure, prospecting for clients regularly ensures that you have a steady stream of projects coming your way. We all know that.

But continuing to do so, even when you’re booked solid, is like having an insurance policy.

It buys you choice and freedom. And it buys you self-confidence.

Should something not pan out, you have backup.

Should a client suddenly put a big project on hold, you have backup.

Should a client start questioning your fees or the way you do your work, you have backup.

Your client will sense your confidence. They’ll realize that you have a choice. That you won’t jump through hoops if you don’t think their request is fair.

That alone will give you great leverage in a discussion or negotiation.

Not sure what to do with all those prospect inquiries you can’t handle? Start a referral network with trusted colleagues. Send work their way and ask for either a finder’s fee or a reciprocal arrangement.

Peace of mind and self-confidence. You can’t put a price on that.

But it comes from continually marketing yourself and your services.

From prospecting even when you don’t “need” to.