#257: Syndicating Your Expertise

Have you ever thought of providing clients with a syndicated solution?

By “syndicated solution,” I’m referring to something you created for a client once … and it worked so well that you decide to repackage and sell it to other clients?

In today’s short podcast episode, I describe the different ways you can syndicate one of your current services … and I help you narrow down your options.

If you’ve been finding yourself stuck in the time-for-money cycle, this one’s for you.

The notes that follow are a very basic, unedited summary of the show. There’s a lot more detail in the audio version. You can listen to the show using the audio player below. Or you can subscribe in iTunes to get this show delivered straight to the Podcasts app on your smart phone, tablet or iPod.


Let’s look at two main “flavors” of how you could syndicate your services.

Flavor 1: Copywriting play

Say, for instance, that you helped a local commercial photographer build a list of prospects and market to those prospects with a series of very specific email offers.

You tweaked the copy and process to the point where it’s effective and results are predictable.

In a copywriting play, you take what you learned and create a “paint-by-numbers” offer that similar businesses can deploy.

Flavor 2: Content marketing play

In this example, you deploy a content marketing strategy designed to get opt-ins (leads) or even to kickstart a content marketing effort.

Your solution includes a series of must-have content marketing pieces, along with a ready-made plan for deploying and leveraging these assets.

In both of these scenarios, the ideal target is a less sophisticated business or organization that doesn’t have the know-how, skills or capacity to do this work themselves.

So, they’re open to deploying a plug-and-play solution.

Look, syndicating your services might not be a fit for you.

But I know this: In the past, I’ve been frustrated by the fact that 100% of my writing business was based on custom work.

That’s fun for a while. But it can get old, and it makes it hard to scale your business.

Which keeps you trapped in the time-for-money cycle.

So, if you’re ready to break out, take a closer look at syndicating your services.



By the way… whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you grow your freelance business:

1. Grab a free copy of my book.

It’s called Earn More in Less Time: The Proven Mindset, Strategies and Actions to Prosper as a Freelance Writer. The title says it all. 😉 — Click Here

2. Join my implementation program and be a case study.

I’m putting together a new implementation group this month. If you’re earning $5k+/month (or the part-time equivalent) from your freelance business … and you’d like to grow your income quickly with better clients … just email me at [email protected] and put “Case Study” in the subject line.

3. Work with me privately.

If you’re a 6-figure writer who’s trying to earn more in less time, with less stress, I might be able to help you get there faster than you think. Just email me at [email protected] and put “Breakthrough” in the subject line, and I’ll get back to you with more details.