An Agency Wants to Work With Me … But I Can’t Make Their Offer Work

Some day, an agency may offer you some work (if they haven’t already).

And you might be a little surprised (or perhaps shocked!) by how little they pay.

It’s not unusual for agencies to pay their contractors much less than what you would charge a direct client.

After all, the agency has to find the client and manage the project.

But does that mean you can never make these situations work?

Not at all.

In fact, with some creativity, you can often turn this into a win-win.

In this video, I describe some strategies you could use to make this kind of situation workable.

By the way … whenever you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you grow your freelance business:

1.  Grab a free copy of my book for ESTABLISHED writers/copywriters.

You’ll discover how to quickly and predictably reawaken dead leads, generate new client opportunities and convert not-yet-ready prospects into freelance writing clients. — Click Here

2.  Download a free copy of my new book for writers who are NEW to freelancing.

I’ll show you the 3 things you need to do to get your business off the ground safely and land your first paying client faster.  — Click Here

3.  Join my implementation program and be a case study.

I’m putting together a new implementation group this month. If you’d like to work with me to grow your income quickly with better clients (and become one of my new success stories). Just email me at [email protected] and put “Case Study” in the subject line.

4.  Get a 1:1 strategy call with me.

Are you a 6-figure writer who’s trying to earn more in less time with less stress? Let’s jump on a quick call and brainstorm some ideas for getting you there. Just email me at [email protected] and put “Brainstorm” in the subject line.