We’ve talked before about the importance of mindset in building a successful freelance writing business. High-income freelance writers have learned to expect their level of success. It’s not a fluke. It’s just the way it is. It’s their “normal.”
But how do you make freelance success your new normal?
One way to foster this kind of mindset is through visualization.
Most of us are conditioned to visualize what we DON’T want. We think about what could go wrong. We worry about losing clients or not getting paid. We imagine what would happen if we missed an important deadline or screwed up a deliverable. We think about never landing another client again!
Fear-based thinking is our default mode. And because it’s our default, it’s important to counter it with periods of positive visualization.
Visualization is nothing new. It’s been practiced by top-level athletes and psychologists for years. Studies show that it can help reduce fear and anxiety and improve performance. Heck, even Oprah Winfrey is a fan!
More recently, visualization practices have expanded to include other senses, in addition to visual imagery.
Feeling-based visualization, for example, combines images with feelings that accompany those images. By invoking two senses, instead of just one, the exercise is much more powerful.
How to Practice Feeling-Based Visualization
Visualization sessions don’t have to take long. One or two five-minute sessions a day will do the trick.
Start by thinking about a specific goal you’d like to achieve. Write it down and make it as specific as possible. (E.g. Instead of “I want to grow my business” try “I want to speak confidently with my prospect during our call today.”)
Then, find a quiet space and make yourself comfortable. Set a timer. Then, close your eyes and visualize yourself performing well in that situation.
Think about how you’d feel in that moment as you achieve your desired outcome with ease. Then, allow those feelings to arise in your body as you picture the image in your mind.
Another way to use feeling-based visualization is to create a visualization “movie” or slide show using a slide presentation or screencasting app. Consider adding music in the background that gets you fired up or puts you in a mood that’s aligned with the goal you want to achieve. I’ve tried Mind Movies and like the concept, but I’m not a big fan of their marketing.
Regardless of how you decide to structure these sessions, try to incorporate them into your morning routine or add them to your existing meditation practice.
Before long, you’ll find yourself approaching your business with a more positive mindset.