Tag Archives: Viable Writing Business

Price Might Not Be the Problem

I always encourage freelance writers to charge fees that truly reflect the value they deliver. And this often means raising their prices. But sadly, many freelance writers continue to price their services much too low. Some have fallen …
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Why Do I Charge So Much?

Oh, boy. I got an angry email from a reader a couple of weeks ago. She was responding to a coaching invitation I sent out. And she wanted to know why I charged so much to coach …
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Are You an Entrepreneur or a Freelancer?

Have you heard the argument that freelancers aren’t entrepreneurs? It goes something like this: Freelancers are NOT entrepreneurs because they only generate income while they’re working. Or this: Freelancers are NOT entrepreneurs because they provide a customized service. The …
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Are You Following the ATM Rule?

There’s something you must do in your first conversation with every prospect. You need to talk money. You don’t necessarily need to quote a firm price. And you don’t need to get into every detail of your …
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